Deployment of Hexo

Hello world!

I am Xiaocong, you can also call me Leon. I am now studying in ECE department of UIUC, pursuing a Master degree. I used to study in Aeronautics and Airworthiness, then turning into Computer Engineering. Passioned in programming, I spent most of the times digging into network and security areas, also learned a bit of machine/reinforcement learning related to computer vision. Willing to receive discussion request on techniques through eamil, leonyu365 AT gmail DOT com.

Start to use my github pages for personal blog and write things I will come into in development and learning. Used to write things on csdn.

deployment of hexo

Tools needed:

  • nodejs(installed by using source code. Node version manager recommended for Ubuntu 16.4 or lower)
  • npm(apt)
  • github repo(github/xyu335/


  1. Create folder for Hexo, i.e. MyBlog
  2. Change working directory to MyBlog
  3. Run ‘hexo init’
  4. Run ‘hexo server’
  5. Enter localhost:4000 in your Chrome to check if Hexo runs successfully on your localhost
  6. Modify _config.yml file in your MyBlog/ directory
type: git
branch: master
  1. Run ‘npm install hexo-deployer-git –save’
  2. Run ‘hexo g’
  3. RUn ‘hexo d’
  4. All static files are generated and pushed to github repo
  5. You can access your blog via url:

More tutorials on post blogs can be found on website.